The one-flame cooker offers one area to cook and one to warm up meals. Thanks to its compact dimensions and flat design, the Webasto Diesel Cooker is especially suitable for individualists who want to rely on only one fuel on board.


How does the Diesel Cooker work?

The heat generated by the fuel combustion process is transferred to the ceramic panel, and the exhaust gases are directed out of the vehicle through an exhaust gas line inside the cooling air line.

The vapour content of the exhaust gases therefore does not give rise to greater humidity in the vehicle. The diesel cooker's heat output is continuously adjustable. In addition a cooling fan in the ventilation box ensures that the temperature does not reach a critical limit in the installation area. Hot air is drawn out through the cooling air line. 

Product advantages

Robust, high-quality CERAN® cooktop

Easy operation and cleaning

Low power and fuel consumption

Warning light for residual heat indicator

Also suited to work at higher altitudes